G42 Flies Back Together

Following a ‘D’ exam and re-wheeling of the engine units, G42 is reassembled for return to traffic. Above, the boiler cradle is lifted from its maintenance stands using the 2…

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Half Way There….

Photos from the boiler makers in Sydney have arrived showing the latest progress, and things have come a long way since last time. Above and below, the inner and outer…

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A ‘D’ Exam For G42

Commonly unseen, the inner workings of our G class Garratt have recently been on display during the engines  ‘D’ exam. This is the most thorough of the 4 locomotive examinations,…

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NG/G16 Update for June ’14

June’s NG/G16 workshop day (held on the third Saturday of each month if you’re interested!) was another busy one, with the growing number of volunteers working on a variety of…

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NG/G16 Tank & Bunker Build

Nearly complete, the new water tank and coal bunker stand in the fabricators workshop last week. Above you can see the front water tank before the outer sheets were fitted,…

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Water Tank And Coal Bunker Coming Soon

More exciting news for the NG/G16 project: The front water tank and the combined hind* tank/coal bunker are currently being manufactured, and should be complete soon. The original items were…

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First Pictures Of The New NG/G16 Boiler Construction!

These are the first pictures to be published of the new boiler for NG/G16 129.  Currently under construction at the works of E. R. Curtain in Sydney, these photographs show…

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Na Cylinder Update

Machining has progressed a long way since we last wrote about the new Na locomotive cylinder castings. The first two (seen here) are currently undergoing final machining, whilst at the…

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Pony Truck Progress

The inner and outer pony trucks are another task entrusted to our contractor Jack Thompson Engineering. Here one of the outer trucks has been set up for machining rivet holes.…

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NG/G16 129 Engine Unit Frames Near Completion

Work continues apace at Jack Thompson Engineering, with the engine unit frames undergoing final assembly and machining. This involves clamping all the parts in position while the holes are bored…

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