NG/G News For Febuary

Over the past few months, we have been progressing a lot of different tasks, in order to keep the project moving along at a good pace: Installation of the sanding…

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Rising From The Mud

The more eagle-eyed reader of Puffing Billy’s in-house magazine, ‘Narrow Gauge’, might have noticed a dramatically photo-shopped representation of Belgrave yard plateau lurking in the centre spread of last September’s…

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It’s All backwards, What’s With That?

The discovery of a broken side control spring on G42’s hind engine unit was soon followed by the dawning realisation that with the engine facing the ‘Down’ direction – towards…

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Carriage Project Part I – Calculations & Concepts

I think it’s safe to say we can skip the why’s and wherefores’! Anyone familiar with Puffing Billy will know that passenger numbers are through the roof and our little…

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Garratt Happenings: The NG/G16 129 August Update

Work moves on apace with NG/G16 129, including the following tasks: Removal of boiler from the cradle to enable final installation of all the steam, exhaust and water pipework, as…

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A Neat Space Saving Feature

One of the things we have an eternal struggle with at Puffing Billy is a lack of space, whether that be offices, workshops or just undercover storage in general.  Nowhere…

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216 NQR; The Finishing Touches

Hugh Markwick and the workshop volunteer team have now completed work on the restoration of 216 NQR. Above, 2 of the team pose in the sun at Emerald with the…

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Scavenging The Last Remaining….

Mention has been made previously of the need to manufacture more bogies for our rolling stock. Many are now approaching the end of their useful life, with frames and axleboxes…

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Emergency Surgery For Thomas

During 2016, the decision was taken to trial moving the Day Out with Thomas event to Gembrook, starting with the spring season, thus inaugurating Gembrook as the railways new centre…

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Latest News From The NG/G Corner

With 4 fitters now employed full time on the restoration of NG/G16 129, momentum is gathering and what has, until recently, resembled a large kit of parts, is slowly coming…

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