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IMG 9073

99.9% Garratt

IMG 8891 Edited

Race to the Finish Line

Rolled Out Into The Sunshine, Shows Progress On The Rebuild To Date

A Giant Takes Shape

Uframe Edited Edited

Carriage Project Part II – From Detail to Delivery

NG Front Cover

Would You Rather….?

IMG 7744

Garratt Update To August ’18

Puffing Billy train 12a panning photo dean gifford

A New Chimney For ‘Real Puffing Billy’!

Day out with Thomas


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The NG/G16 Countdown Begins!

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NG/G News For Febuary

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Rising From The Mud

G42 2Bwith 2BGraeme 2BDaniel 252C 2Bits 2Bbiggest 2Badmirer 252C 2Bon 2Bthe 2Bturntable 2Bat 2BEmerald.JPG

It’s All backwards, What’s With That?