Continental Puffing Billy?

No, sadly I’m not talking about a visiting engine from a quaint narrow gauge line in Europe! 8A recently came into the workshops for attention, including leaking lens rings on…

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861 – Back on Track

Following a noticeable drop-off in performance during last years final FETs (Footplate Experience Trains), 861 was transferred to the locomotive workshops at Belgrave to try and ascertain what was causing…

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99.9% Garratt

The day creeps ever closer when we can strike a match and light the pile of oily rags for the first time. That’s not to say everything has gone exactly…

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Race to the Finish Line

It has been some time since we have had time to update you, and there has been a lot of action on our South African Garratt since last time, so…

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A Giant Takes Shape

Progress abounds down in the Belgrave workshop, as the storage racking gets lighter and the engine gets heavier! Work in progress or completed to date includes: Brake release spring and…

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Would You Rather….?

The big question: How to grow traffic on the Lakeside-Gembrook section of the railway to keep up with demand and manage the capacity constraints.

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The NG/G16 Countdown Begins!

With a projected completion date of mid-2019, the race is on to get our re-gauged South African NG/G16 class Garratt assembled and tested. A lot has been happening, so here’s…

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