Conserving Cultural Significance

Puffing Billy Railway is proud to offer a number of engineering services in support of the Tourist and Heritage Railway sector.

These are offered as part of our continued effort to conserve and demonstrate the cultural significance of steam power, and the historic forms of transport propelled by it.

As the second steam railway in the world to be preserved, Puffing Billy Railway continues to build on a wealth of experience spanning more than five decades.

For Puffing Billy Railway, operating and maintaining locomotives and rolling stock from all periods of its 120-year history has been integral to the preservation of traditional practices and machinery, which would otherwise have faded from the modern world.

With a dedicated team of tradesmen from a variety of backgrounds in industry, the Rolling Stock Branch combines traditional practices with ongoing innovation to care for historic assets in a contemporary environment.

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From design, construction and fabrication at the Belgrave Locomotive Workshop, to maintenance, repairs and restoration at the Emerald Carriage and Wagon Workshop, Puffing Billy Railway’s Rolling Stock Branch have the skills, equipment and opportunity to assist other tourist and heritage organisations in keeping the tradition of historic rail travel alive.

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Suitable for model engineers, modellers, or just fans of Puffing Billy, these packages contain a complete set of drawings as used by the Victorian Railways.

Enquiries should be directed to

Puffing Billy Railway greatly appreciates a donation to the Puffing Billy Railway Museum Project Reserve Fund in lieu of payment. By donating to Puffing Billy Railway, you contribute to future priority projects of the Railway.

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Further details about our engineering capabilities and the services we offer are shown in the brochure below (Click here for downloadable pdf version). 

Get in touch

We are often able to assist similar organisations, utilising both our engineering capability and our specialist skills in heritage locomotive and rolling stock maintenance.
If you have any rail related engineering requirements, feel free to get in touch with us by completing the enquiry form below and arrange a time to visit.

Engineering Services Query

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