Ron Peach
From a young age, Ron loved all things trains, and has been a part of Puffing Billy for 60 years. His first interaction with the railway occurred when Ron was just a small boy. He would sell lollies to passengers on the Ferntree Gully to Belgrave line. At age 14, he signed himself up to help out with track maintenance and this is where his volunteer story began. Outside of Puffing Billy Railway, Ron worked as a fireman for Vic Rail, but he would spend his weekends volunteering as a conductor. Over the years, Ron participated in many roles at the Railway, including: Conductor, Track works, Fireman, Bookings Clerk, Retail Shop Work, Station Master, in the Services Branch, and as a full-time Engine Driver. In 1977 when the Emerald Railway Tourist Board began, Ron was one of two people employed as a full-time paid driver at Puffing Billy. He was even lucky enough to be the driver of the train during the first ever Great Train Race in 1982. With his positive attitude and a reputation for telling bad jokes, Ron made many friends at the Railway. After retiring from an extensive career with Vic Rail, Ron became a regular volunteer in the Belgrave Booking Office. Even when he was no longer driving trains, he took great delight in watching the drivers he had trained run the locomotives.