Our DH5 locomotive has received a fully repaired transoil/water cooler and a newly reconditioned transmission. The latter was sent from Voith Turbo in Queensland and was fitted in record time, the changeover taking less that a week. The cooler was disassembled and pressure cleaned. What was found was a lot of scale, corrosion, holes, and the cooler elements 90% choked. This might account for the overheating! The cores were purchased from Caterpillar in Adelaide, assembly, soldering and testing was completed by Dandenong Radiators. With such major refurbishments, it would be a shame to not have the livery updated, as DH5 was looking quite tired, as a result of living outside. Resene Paints of Huntingdale provided the correct VR colours in a durable polyurethane and is currently being prepared and painted by Andrew Rowe, our resident signwriter. We are looking forward to the big unveiling and having DH5 back as the most reliable diesel in the fleet!