Victoria's Child Safe Standards are designed to keep you safe.
What they mean for you;
- You can expect to be safe and to feel safe, wherever you go and whatever you do.
- You can expect that adults that work with you know how to keep you safe.
- You can tell an adult if you don’t feel safe and they have to help you.
If you feel that you need to speak to someone, please call Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 or visit https://kidshelpline.com.au/ Anytime. Any Reason.
We would love to hear from you, please take the time to give us your feedback on your day out at Puffing Billy Railway.
Press this feedback button below to fill in our feedback form.

- To be safe and feel safe, no one can abuse or hurt me.
- To be allowed to be a child and be treated with respect.
- If I am an Aboriginal child, to feel accepted, supported and safe to be proud about where I come from, that I have different beliefs or like different things.
- To have a say and be heard.
- To give my own feedback about the activities of the Railway.
- To be provided with information about the choices I have and where I can go if I have a problem.
- To tell someone if I am unhappy or feel unsafe.
- To have a worker who is there for me.
- To have fun and do activities that I enjoy.
If you feel hurt, upset, worried about something you have seen or heard, or you feel uncomfortable about what someone has done to you or someone else, please tell us.
If a child is in immediate danger, please contact
Victoria Police on 000
Child Protection Services on 1300 650 172 as soon as possible.
If you have any Child Safe concerns while at the Railway please call
Child Safe Ambassador – Officer In Charge on 03 9111 0202.
Our Children, Our Focus, Our Future, Speak up!
As a parent, you are frequently choosing activities, services or programs for your child. To be confident your child is welcome and safe when attending Puffing Billy Railway, you need to think about a range of issues.
Ask questions and speak up – please ask how the Railway meets child safety standard requirements – it’s your right.
Talk to and listen to your child – how a child experiences the world is different from adults. It is only through the eyes of your child that you can gain a sense of how safe the Railway feels to them.
We would love to hear from you, please take the time to give us your feedback on your and your child’s day out at Puffing Billy Railway.
Press the feedback button to fill in our feedback form.

The Child Safe Reporting and Response Procedure
These procedures outline the appropriate process to be followed by all persons when raising safety concerns and suspicions and allegations relating to the health, safety and wellbeing of children and young at Puffing Billy Railway. Further, these procedures set out how Puffing Billy Railway will respond to and investigate reported matters.
View the full Child Safety and Wellbeing Reporting and Response Procedure
Puffing Billy Railway is committed to:
- Creating and maintaining a child-safe environment;
- Promoting child safety; and
- Taking all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of children on Puffing Billy Railway premises or with whom Puffing Billy Railway has contact.
Child Safety & Wellbeing Policy
This policy outlines the responsibilities, procedures and practices required by all workplace participants within Puffing Billy Railway and the obligations of the Puffing Billy Railway Board in relation to keeping children and young people free from the risk of abuse and neglect.
The Child Safe Code of Conduct aims to protect children and reduce the opportunities for child abuse or harm to occur. It outlines appropriate standards of behaviour and provides guidance on how best to avoid and manage risky behaviours and situations. It is to be read in conjunction with Puffing Billy Railways’ Child Safe Policy, Child Safe Reporting and Response Procedures and relevant legislation.
Child Safety & Wellbeing Code of Conduct
This Child Safety and Wellbeing Code of Conduct has been implemented to support the Puffing Billy Railway Board, operators of Puffing Billy Railway’s commitment to safeguarding the health, wellbeing and safety of children and young people in visiting or participating with our services to ensure that they feel and are safe.
View the full Child Safety and Wellbeing Code of Conduct here
Join TrackSAFE & Thomas as you learn how to stay rail safe
Most children are likely to come across trains, light rail & their tracks in the city or in regional areas at some stage in their lives. Just like learning to cross the road, staying safe on and around rail is a skill for life.
TrackSAFE has partnered with Thomas & Friends to help preschool & early childhood students (3-5yrs) learn how to stay safe on & around rail.
Check out their resources here!Â